Adult Leader Training

Our adult volunteers get just as much from Scouting as young people. All adult Leaders in Scouting receive support through our comprehensive training programme, helping them to develop their current skills and learn new ones. This training can help towards the achievement of external qualifications, while there are also awards which recognise dedication to training and outstanding service within the Movement. Training is offered in two distinct stages. Initial training entitled ‘Getting Started’, gives an overview of the Movement and highlights the need for operating within the Association’s safety and diversity policies. It also signposts the new leader to the further training they may require.

Training is offered in a range of ways; residential, small group, e-learning or workbooks. There is also a facility to recognise relevant training undertaken elsewhere. Leaders undertaking training are supported by a more experienced leader who operates as a coach/mentor.

Once the leader’s personal training has been completed and they have demonstrated that they are putting their training into practice, then they can be awarded the Wood Badge.

The Wood Badge recognises the commitment to the values and ethos of the Movement by leaders who had undertaken training.

Compliance Training Courses

In order to meet the leadership training requirements, several courses have been laid on in districts to meet the need for courses.  These are published below as they are received.  Bear in mind that priority for places may be for those districts first.

On-line courses are not suitable for everyone and so some other arrangements can be made.

The Training Team are now using the ‘BookWhen’ system for their courses – the link is : Suffolk Scouts Training Courses.
Some specific courses may be highlighted below for information.

Please contact your Local Training Manager for more information.

First Aid / First Response – Module 10a / 10b

Available to anyone wishing to complete this module for the first time or as a renewal. Renewals should, preferably, be completed before the current certificate expires to ensure continuous cover.

Please book on as soon as possible as I need to fill 20 spaces and will open it to other Districts who need Module 10.

Members have until January 2022 to become compliant with their first aid (both 10a & 10b) training.

First Aid training is organised by the Local Training Manager (LTM) in your Districts when there is enough demand. Please contact your LTM to find out when your next course is. 

From May 2021, you may be able to join the on-line training provided a National Team. Information should be available about this on the link below or your LTM.

There is some on-line reference material from HQ regarding First Aid at First Aid Training , though please discuss options with your line manager/LTM after reviewing this

Category: Training

Module 1 – Essential Information (45mins)

Essential Information is a mandatory module for nearly all adults in Scouting.  It provides the basic information required for individuals getting started in adult roles in Scouting, vital to ensuring that all young people can enjoy safe Scouting.

(Required by all roles including exec members)

Don’t forget to screenshot or save your certificate as a PDF.

GDPR Training (35mins)

GDPR Training is a mandatory module for all appointments. It covers the basic information that individual’s need to know in relation to the General Data Protection Regulations, what this means for their role and for Scouting and how to effectively align with it. Topics covered:

  • Personal Data
  • Individuals’ rights
  • Consent
  • Accountability & Governance

(Required by all roles including exec members)

Don’t forget to screenshot or save your certificate as a PDF.

Safety Training (45mins)

The safety of all our members is of paramount importance, it is essential that we provide up-to-date training so volunteers understand our safety protocols.

It is a requirement for all adults in Scouting to renew their safety training at least every three years.

(Required by all roles including exec members)

Don’t forget to screenshot or save your certificate as a PDF.

Safeguarding Training (45mins)

The issues facing adult volunteers in keeping young people safe are changing all the time and it is essential that we provide up-to-date training.

It is a requirement for all adults in Scouting to her new their ‘approved safeguarding training’ at least every three years.

(Required by all roles including exec members)

Don’t forget to screenshot or save your certificate as a PDF.

Trustee Introduction (30mins)

The aim of this module is to provide the Charity or managing Trustees with information on their legal responsibilities and current regulations. You only need to complete this module if you have a role as a trustee / Executive Committee member.

(Required everyone who has a role on an exec committee including leaders)

Don’t forget to screenshot or save your certificate as a PDF.

Module 2 – Personal Learning Plan

The aim of this module is to create a plan for your learning based on the requirements of the job and your individual needs.

The plan will show the training and the support that you will receive to help you to carry out the responsibilities and fulfil the training requirements for your role.

There is a workbook available to help you to complete this module:

(Required by wood badge roles only)

Module 3 – Tools for the Role – Section Leaders (30mins)

Tools for the Role (Section Leaders) is a mandatory module for Section Leaders, Assistant Section Leaders and Section Assistants. It covers the basic information on the individual’s role or area of responsibility and some practical help to get the individual started in the role.

Don’t forget to screenshot or save your certificate as a PDF. If you have problems generating the certificate, take a screenshot of the results screen.

Note that you’ll need to validate this module with a Training Advisor after completing the training by providing evidence of putting the learning into practice.

(Section leaders, Assistant Section Leaders and Section Assistants only)

Module 4 – Tools for the Role – Managers and Supporters (30mins)

Tools for the Role (Managers and Supporters) is a mandatory module for Group Scout Leaders, Commissioners and ASU Managers. It covers the basic information on the individual’s role or area of responsibility and some practical help to get the individual started in the role.

(Required by Managers and Supporter roles only)

Don’t forget to screenshot or save your certificate as a PDF. If you have problems generating the certificate, take a screenshot of the results screen.

Note that you’ll need to validate this module with a Training Advisor after completing the learning.

Woodbadge and other Training Modules

It is a requirement that Assistant Section Leaders/Section Leaders/Commissioners/Managers complete a Woodbadge within three years of commencing their role. The Woodbadge is a series of useful and practical training modules which equips leaders with the skills and knowledge they need to run a section or managers to carry out their role.

Woodbadge Resources

All Assistant Section Leaders and above, have three years from date of appointment to complete a woodbadge. This practical and exciting training scheme equips you with all the skills you need to run a vibrant and successful section or manage/support an entire group or district.

Managers and Supporters Skills Courses

These courses are run in the East of England Region by the Regional Team using County resources on a rotational basis.  Please note that you can attend any course across the Region, it doesn’t have to be just in Suffolk!

Please check on the booking link below for latest information. 

The East of England Region use one booking system for Managers and Supporters – use this link to book on courses and check for updates.