About Us…
Welcome and thank you for visiting the 18th Ipswich (Holywells) Scout Group website.
We aim to provide the latest information about the Group and what we get up to during the year. We will also tell how you can take part in activities and read about what each section has planned. By doing this we hope to gain more members as well as encourage parents and other family members to help and support the Group. By visiting the links you will be able to find out all you need to know about each Section – from meeting nights and times, the badges that can be gained and activities for the term. You can also find information about the Committee, what the Leaders do and how to become a Leader or helper. Want to know when the latest events are taking place, check the Calendar links at the top of the page for a list of all the events planned for the year.
How To Find Us…
The Hut is located on Cliff Lane, between the new retirement flats and allotments (which are next to the old retirement flats) – Google Map.
In 1935, following the demise of a senior family member ‘John Dupuis Cobbold’, the estate was broken down into ‘lots’ and sold off to various individuals and bodies. ‘Holywells Park’ was purchased by Lord Woodbridge (Arthur Churchman) and gifted to the town of Ipswich in 1936. At this time a farm was located on the boundaries of the park, and being part of the parcel land gifted to the town. ‘Ipswich Borough Council (IBC)’ rented the farm to a local dairy farmer. Little was known about a ‘hall’ shaped building tucked inside the woodland between the park and farm, and council records indicate a request by the farmer to create a cowmen’s house. However since the farmer was behind with his rent the request was turned down. Subsequently the Scout master of a newly formed group (Mr Pickersgill) requested use of the semi derelict building, to which the council agreed at 10 shillings per year. In recent years the group has been struggling to raise funds due to the constrained financial climate. Why is the premises referred to as a ‘Rackets Court’?
Research has subsequently indicated that the building has very little history, and the group has been unable to date its construction. A few cryptic clues remain in council records indicating the building was originally referred to as a ‘Squash rackets court’. The Cobbold family were renowned rackets champions, with wins at Eton and Cambridge. This is commonly believed to be the reason behind the building subsequently being referred to as a ‘Rackets Court’, however the building is unsuitable for games of rackets since it is predominantly wood. Recently however it has been discovered that a building identical in construction and size was located at ‘Catton Hall, Norwich’ in 1897. This buildings construction date is also unknown, but fits a time frame when ex-Eton pupils were migrating towards the game of squash. At this time, squash had no formal rules or court dimensions. It is assumed that since JD Cobbold was a member of ‘Lords Cricket Club’ who also had a similar building, that a ‘home court’ was constructed.
With the advent of this news the group is hoping for support in the renovation of the building to preserve its heritage for the game of Squash.
Chipperfield – Founder of 18th (PDF) – Cick Here
Squash Assoc Cutting (PDF) – Cick Here
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