The new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) come into force on 25 May 2018.
These Regulations govern how Personal Information (PI) can be handled and how it must be protected by Data Controllers. Because of the information held on its members, the Scout Association is classed, under those Regulations, as a Data Controller, must comply with the these Regulations. For general information about these Regulations, see further guidance on GDPR here.
The Data Protection Act 1998 governs the collection, recording, storage, use and disclosure of personal data, whether such data is held electronically or in manual form. Young people have the same rights as adults under the Act, and the impact on Scouting is addressed below.
This page provides a general overview of the main ways in which data protection may be relevant to scouting. It is not intended as a detailed account and more information can be found from the Information Commission’s Office (ICO) the independent governmental authority responsible for overseeing and regulating data protection. Further explanation/assistance can also be obtained by contacting the Legal Service Department at The Scout Association UK Headquarters.
Privacy Statement
This Privacy Notice is issued in accordance with the forthcoming EU General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018. It covers all data processing activity undertaken within 18th Ipswich SCOUT GROUP, for the purposes of this document the definition of Group includes the attached Explorer Scout Unit, (the Group).
Data Controllers
The Data Controller for the Scout Group and the alternative contacts are as follows:
- Denise Bloomfield, Group Scout Leader
- George Debman, Chairman
The Group has not formally appointed a Data Protection Officer. The Data Controller will undertake these duties.
Why are we processing your data?
So that we can safely deliver scouting within the Group, each section, i.e. Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts and Explorers, and the Group Executive Committee will need told hold basic demographic information about the young people, their parents or carers and our adult volunteers, (the Data Subject(s)). We will use this information to contact you both routinely and in an emergency.
What data will we process?
The data we will process will include:
- Name, Addresses, Telephone Numbers
- Date of Birth and Gender
- Email addresses
- Health conditions, Dietary requirements
- Religion and Ethnicity
- 3rd Party Contact information
Who will have access to this data?
The members of the leadership team and the Executive Committee will hold this information. The Executive Committee, the Group Scout Leader and Section Leaders may need to access this data in their role of Charity Trustees for the Group.
Who else will have access to the data we process?
The Group is part of Orwell District Scout, (the District) and Suffolk County Scout, (the County). The Group will periodically join in events that are run by the District or the County. In these cases, will be shared with the organisers for the purpose of the event only. Where we run events in the Group, we will share information with a “Home Contact.” They are usually volunteers in scouting who will act as a go-between at camps for the leadership to contact parents in emergencies.
Where will the data be held?
Your data will be processed and stored in the following manner. We generally store personal information in one of two secure digital online database systems, where access to that data is restricted and controlled.
- Online Scout Manager is an online membership system run by Online Youth Manager Ltd, this is a secure membership database where we store the personal information of Adults and Youth members for the day to day running of the group. (With 2 Factor authentication).
- Compass is the online membership system of The Scout Association; this system is used for the collection and storage of Adult personal data.
- Microsoft 365 Platform
- Paper records kept in secure containers – Print out personal details unless specifically required for an event etc.
- All text/phone call correspondence is conducted through personal mobile telephone, held by the Section Leaders. The information is used only for the purposes of Scouting and is deleted after that child leave the Scout Group.
In the case of Joining forms, Health and DBS forms, this information is securely held by the leader and transferred to our secure digital systems as soon as possible before the paper form is destroyed.
Gift Aid collection, the Groups Treasurer will securely hold forms to aid in the collection of Gift Aid for monthly membership fee’s,
How long do we retain the data for?
- Young Person Data – We will retain ‘Young Person Data’, throughout the time you are a member of 18th Ipswich Scout Group. We will retain your full personal information for a period of two months after you have left 18th Ipswich Scout Group, and in a much more limited form (just initials, badge and attendance records) for a period of up to 15 years (until age 21) to fulfil our legal obligations for insurance and legal claims.
- Adult Volunteering Data – We will retain your data for two months after the Adult Volunteer Leaves the movement. This may be retained indefinitely with TSA for safeguarding.
We will also keep any Gift Aid Claim information for the statutory 7 years as required by HMRC (which may be beyond age 21)
If a Data Subject moves to another Scout Group, we will ask you before we shared any data with the new Group. This also applies to Scouts moving to Explorer Scouts outside the 18th Ipswich Scout Group.
What is our Legal Basis for processing your data?
We must have a legal basis to process your personal data. Our legal basis is under Article 6
(1) (a): the data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes.
We consider your consent to be given when you complete and return any documentation that we send to you. This can include data capture forms when a new member joins the Group,
Nights Away Activity Information Forms, or One Day Activity Information Forms. It will also include verbal consent. Should you wish to withdraw you consent, it may be that this decision will prevent a data subject from being a member of the Scout Association.
Your Rights
You have the right to object to how we process your personal information. You also have the right to access, correct, sometimes delete and restrict the personal information we use. In addition, you have a right to complain to us and to the data protection regulator. Please contact a leader or the group scout leader for more information, in the first instance.
You can view and edit your personal information directly on our online membership systems Online Scout Manager and Compass.
External Sites
18th Ipswich Scout Group is not responsible for the content of external internet sites. You are advised to read the privacy policy of external sites before disclosing any personal information.
Contacting us
If you want to contact us to raise any questions about this privacy statement, or any general matters relating to you can contact us using the contact form. Please use this method if you wish to request from us a copy of the personal data we hold about you.
By using our website, you hereby consent to our privacy policy and agree to its terms.