Date : 20th October 2020
Dear Parents and Carers,
This week sees us make it to half term. Thanks to everyone, parents, young people, and our leadership team, for making the return as smooth and safe as it has been. It’s been great to see the young people back in action and enjoy a programme – even if it has been a bit odd!
Just a reminder, please be prompt with the arrival and departure times. Parents are encouraged to remain at the top of the driveway (social distancing). Leaders will meet young people/parents at top of the driveway, so that we can ensure social distancing down/up the driveway. Thank you for your continued support with this.
Have a great half term break, we look forward to seeing you in the first week of November. Remember, keep checking the website for changes and news and if anything changes in the meantime we will be back in touch.
As always, please do get in touch if you have any questions or concerns not covered by website or other communications..
Best wishes,
Denise Bloomfield (GSL) / Stuart Parker (AGSL)