Hello Suffolk Scouting,
When I started 2020, little did I think then in January, that many of the initiatives that were kicked off or about to be launched would hit at such as challenging a time that was to emerge in March. As the situation with the pandemic worsened, our lives and livelihoods became more uncertain and Scouting in Suffolk could have stopped and we could have duly waited until the crisis had passed. But as true Scouts, everyone has not only kept Scouting moving, we have proved that we are prepared and prepared to do more not less for our young people and the communities around us in these times.
As Scouts, we believe in preparing young people with skills for life. We bring communities together and contribute to society. Above all, we aim to build better futures. In the last couple of months we have truly lived our values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Cooperation and Belief.
Taking each let’s celebrate what we have all done:
Care: We support others and take care of the world in which we live.
As Suffolk Scouters, we reached out to volunteer colleagues and young people to make sure they were ok. We offered our services to other organisations who needed our help such as East of England Ambulance Service and Age UK Suffolk, and of course supported The Big Night In fundraiser with scouts across the country.
Respect: We have self-respect and respect for others.
We have no doubt all felt uncomfortable, frightened, relieved and positive at different times and the same time! We shared our Scouting experiences through Facebook and Instagram, which has inspired us all to keep going, learned new things such as Scouting at home and video conferencing. To see Facebook pages filled with photos and videos of our young people actively camping outside in their gardens, making dens inside, undertaking science experiments and baking shows how Scouting and you as leaders are working hard to still inspire our young people. Don’t forget to look at programme ideas on the Suffolk Website #Adventure Continues.
Integrity: We act with integrity; we are honest, trustworthy and loyal.
It is also a testament to see the support given to key workers in the NHS and elsewhere, especially in uniform last night at 8pm.
Cooperation: We make a positive difference; we cooperate with others and make friends.
It has bought us closer together and for many it has shown us to be a great series of teams working together to take Suffolk Scouting forwards. A first, was all our District Treasurers together for a finance meeting sharing ideas and thoughts for running our federation of Scouting charities forwards. Video conferencing has probably changed forever our means of communicating and team work.
Belief We explore our faiths, beliefs and attitudes
This Sunday many of us had been planning to attend Renewal of Promise / St George’s Day Parades. And again nothing has stopped us with Districts and Groups putting their own plans together for renewing our Promise albeit remotely and I look forward to seeing many shared experienced online.
Thank You: 2020 Suffolk Roll Of Honour Recipients
All the hard work of volunteers culminates in recognition for our leaders, and others, who have helped to shape and prepare young people with their Skills For Life.
A very big thank you from all of Suffolk Scouting in recognition of the services to Scouting for this year’s ‘St George’s Day Awards’; you have truly set an example to us all.
So, when you renew your promise be proud of what you and others have accomplished.
Best wishes
Mark Pearson
County Commissioner