Dear Suffolk Scouters,
The hot news this week is that we should have the opportunity to camp this summer. This will be very welcome by Groups throughout the county and is another step back towards normal scouting. We clearly have a number of hurdles to get over during the next few months but with current really low infection rates in Suffolk, Scouting continues to thrive here in the East of England.
World Scout Jamboree 1st to 12th August 2023
Please remember to register your interest!
There will be more information available soon on how to apply for roles as part of the Suffolk Unit (Unit Leadership and Young People) but if you are interested, please register your interest using the form here: We will be in touch as soon as more information is available.
There are two national WSJ webinars coming up shortly. On Wednesday 23 June, they will focus on Contingent Support Team volunteering opportunities. On Tuesday 13 July, the focus will be on the role of Unit Leaders. Action: Register here to take part in these events
If you have an interest in joining the UK Contingent Support Team there are a range of volunteering opportunities available. You can find out about these opportunities here.
Health and Safety Policy Update
Scouts fully revised its health and safety policy in May 21. The revised policy sets out the requirements of the organisation and responsibilities of members. The revised policy can be found in POR chapter two here.
All adults in scouting are asked to read the updated policy and rule 2.5. Managers are asked to ensure that all adults in scouting have read and understand the policy and that they are reminded of it regularly.
Any questions should be escalated through the line management to the County Safety Advisor;
Best wishes
Mark Pearson
County Commissioner – Suffolk