Dear Suffolk Scouters,
Whilst there are many challenges for us all at the present time, Scouting is starting to learn to live with the new normal. Hopefully we will have a mild Autumn allowing us to make the best use of the great outdoors. Thank you for your continued support of Scouting in Suffolk.
Don’t forget you can follow our news and ideas at
Do keep up to date with national events on The Scouts website here.
Risk Assessments
If you are looking to start the process of writing your risk assessments you can access the guidance from headquarters here.
You can access a template for completing a risk assessment here. It contains some ideas and tips for producing your own document.
Update from HQ
Headquarters have asked Groups who have their own venue to provide a printed QR code so that visitors to the building over the age of 16 who have a phone that is loaded with the NHS Track and Trace App can scan the code to register their presence. We still need to keep registers of all members. You can read about this here. It is really easy to create the code and print it off. You can do this here.
Hallowtree has now been approved to open. The team have been carrying out an impressive programme of refurbishment over the Summer, read more about this on the newsletter pdf download on the Suffolk Scouts website.
Risk Assessments for Specialist Activities
If you are in the process of writing risk assessments for specialist activities the National Governing Bodies have produced a range of guidance that you should find useful. We have listed the relevant links on the Suffolk Scouts Website here.
If members of the public challenge why you are running a Scout meeting. Please point out to them that we follow rules set by The Scout Association which are taken from the government body National Youth Agency, and that we are permitted to run Scouting for up to 15 young people and 5 leaders following the Covid Code.
A call can help cheer someone up. In these difficult times if you can find 10 minutes to call an adult volunteer leader to check in on them it will help lift their spirits and make them feel less lonely.
Best wishes
Mark Pearson