Dear Parents
St George’s Day Parade – Sunday 28th April 2024
This is the most important date in the Scouting calendar, a time when all sections and all groups parade together as Orwell District Scouts.
I would hope that all sections will be well represented, and in full and correct uniform, please. Navy/black trousers and the correct core uniform for your section, and our group’s emerald, green scarf, which ideally needs to be ironed, then correctly rolled to give us all as a group, a Smart Appearance. Every child of each section reaffirms their scout promise.
This is only one Sunday afternoon in a year!
The service starts at approximately 3pm, you are very welcome as parents to watch the parade.
Please be at the Spa Pavilion at around 4:30 pm ready to collect your child.
Leadership Team
Please put on your calendar. I am hoping for full attendance from all sections.