Hi All,
Hope you are keeping well and safe.
Our Suffolk Scouts Team has setup #AdventureContinues Challenges. If anyone wants to participate please feel free to do so. The idea is that new challenges will come out every 2 weeks.
As part of our #AdventureContinues programme we’ve developed a number of challenges you can do at home.
Please celebrate and post any challenges you undertake on social media using the #AdventureContinues #18thIpswichScouts or email us your photos at: AdventureContinues@18thipswich.org.uk.
Challenge 1 – Badge Design
In order to truly celebrate we want you to help design a badge (that can be worn on your uniform!) Base the badge around the theme #AdventureContinues #18thIpswichScouts e.g. what does it look like to Scout from home?
Send us your entry by the end of April with your name and section you belong to the email above, so we can email them over to the County Team.
Ongoing Challenge – Camping
During this time at home we would like to set an ongoing challenge, and still celebrate what we do in scouting and one part of that is camping.
What you can do is:
- Pack a bag
- Build a den at home / pitch a tent in the garden/ hang up a hammock
- Sleep in your shelter of choice
- Build a ‘campfire’ (real or virtual)
Don’t forget to take a picture of your adventures and post on Social Media or email us your photos!
Thank you so much Please stay safe, look after your loved ones. Smile, laugh and reflect, and continue to live by our Scouting values.
Any questions please get in touch.
18th Ipswich Scout Group