Last updated: 6th September 2021

Update 06/09/2021

Readiness level: GREEN

This means: All activities can resume for members who live in England. Residential activities and international travel may take place.  

Group sizes and limitations: 

  • All non-residential activities (including young people, Scout Network and adult only groups): No limit on group size, although all activities must be able to safely manage the risk of transmission of COVID and, if this is not possible, they must not take place.
  • Residential activities: Nights away activities may take place, more details in the planning COVID-safe Nights Away in 2021 guidance
  • International travel: Visits abroad may resume but must follow the FCDO travel advice and still manage the transmission of COVID and ensuring that the trips are safe and accessible.

IMPORTANT: Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms, or who has been in contact with anyone who has COVID-19 symptoms (within the last two weeks), shouldn’t come to any face-to-face activities, and should follow government guidelines on self-isolation and testing

Weekly Updates – click the link to the section:

Here’s each section’s plan for the coming weeks. You’ll get an email with full details and the link to click to sign-up to tell us you’re coming. This is just a reminder:

Each section will operate in bubbles. Please check below for the bubble timetable as arrival and collection times may change on a weekly basis.

Beavers: 6pm Tuesday (starting back on Tuesday 14th Oct 2021)

Cubs: 7pm Monday (starting back on Monday 13th Oct 2021)

Scouts: 7pm Friday (starting back Face-to-Face on 10th Oct 2021)

Ensure you have signed up via the Parent Portal invite


 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Category: Covid

We’d love your support! In order to make the group/bubble system work, we need extra adults to support each bubble. Each group/bubble will have a leader-in-charge, but extra adults will be necessary.

Please speak to your section leader if you’re interested in supporting us.

Category: Covid

Updated 05/09/2020

Beavers and Cubs who want to wear a face-covering are very welcome to. It is not mandated, but a personal choice. All we ask is that any decoration is appropriate – no skulls, etc. as they can frighten other young people.

We will continue to monitor this and inform you if the guidance changes.

To keep everyone safe, we are asking for all young people and volunteers to:

Category: Covid

Ideally, yes please. However, we appreciate they may have grown! If they don’t wear uniform, please ensure they wear clean clothes, not the same clothes worn at school all day. This will help limit any potential spread.

We do have some Group (18th Ipswich Group) T-Shirt and Sweatshirts in stock, if parents are interested.

Category: Covid

Updated 03/10/2020

We have developed a risk assessment for all venues that we are using, following guidance from The Scouts which draws on Government guidance and the National Youth Agency.

Our risk assessment has to be approved by a committee of the District Executive and has been developed in partnership with leaders, young people and parents.

Read the current risk assessments – click the link to the section:

Category: Covid

Updated 05/09/2020

We will be operating section meetings in bubbles. Each bubble will have at least 2 leaders (Scouts/Explorers) or 3 leaders (Beavers/Cubs).

Bubbles will be able to meet at the same time at the same place, but will be kept at least 25m apart. To help with this, there will may be staggered arrival/departure times which we ask parents to adhere to as strictly as possible. 

Category: Covid

All our leaders have a current and up-to-date first aid qualification and all the bubbles have a fully equipped first aid kit at every meeting.

Following advice from The Scouts, where possible and appropriate a first aider will support a young person to undertake their own first aid.

If this is not possible or not appropriate, the first aider will use the appropriate PPE and deal with the issue as usual. A first aid record form will be completed and parents/carers will be informed after the meeting.

If more serious, parents/carers may be contacted and/or health professional advice sought as normal.

 Getting back together safely: The COVID Code

  1. A COVID-safe risk assessment has been completed and we communicated control measures to volunteer, young people and parents and all are encouraged to raise concerns.
  2. Additional hygiene measures are in place
  3. Social Distancing will be observed where possible (check current distant determined by your Government)
  4. Maximum group sizes will be limited and determined by and member will be consistent where possible
  5. Make adjustments for young and adults vulnerable or affected by COVID, and consult to make sure return plans are accessible and inclusive.

We have developed a risk assessment for all venues that we are using, following guidance from The Scouts which draws on Government guidance and the National Youth Agency.