In recent weeks, Suffolk has seen a sharp rise in cases of Covid 19, particularly in children. Suffolk County Council Public Health have instructed that additional measures must be in place in some schools to help reduce the spread of Covid -19.
These additional measures have not been imposed on Scouts at present, but we are required to assess all risks to the health and safety of our members, and to continually monitor hazards, and adjust our measures in place to control that risk.
Scouts has provided lots of guidance for us to follow. Key things to help us all stay safe include;
- If there is a likelihood that a person may transfer illnesses from people they are living with, they shouldn’t attend scouts until such time that they are not reasonably likely to pass infections on.
- Remember to keep space between yourself and others, and encourage YP to do the same.
- Remember to ensure plenty of fresh air. Meet outside if you can, but if not, increase ventilation by opening doors and windows.
- Remember to follow good personal hygiene by washing hands frequently for 20 seconds.
- Having a cleaning plan in place will help reduce the spread of viruses.
- Testing is crucial to early identification Children are required to have a LFT twice weekly for school. Many adults test twice weekly for work too.
- Just because face coverings are not always mandatory, this should not stop people from wearing one if they choose to.
Remember that you can find lots of guidance and support online to help with delivering Scouting safely at this time.
Any person testing positive within 48 hours of scout activities should be reported to HQ. as we would for accidents.
Yours in Scouting
Gary Burden Colin Winter
County Safety Adviser On Behalf of the County Leadership Team