With increasing numbers of sections and groups returning to Scouting in Suffolk, the great news is that young people are delighted to be back. The process might appear daunting but the rewards are clear and are providing other opportunities at this challenging time.
Colin Winter, DCC, recently visited 1st and 3rd Stowmarket Cubs who have been meeting outdoors for a few weeks now. They have a total of 24 cubs so are meeting with 12 on alternate weeks. The leaders are enjoying the normality of being back Scouting even though they have had to amend the way they carry out activities. The cubs are keen to embrace all of the opportunities that outside scouting offers. Parents feel confident that their young people are safe, and appreciated the consultation that they had prior to returning, with the opportunity to engage with leaders about the process. Colin is visiting other groups too to hear they stories on returning to face to face.
I recently visited 1st Honington Cubs orienteering, 32nd Ipswich Scouts, 31st / 9th Ipswich Wednesday Cubs at Suffolk ski slopes and 14th Ipswich Cubs. It was great to see young people enjoying their Scouting and a big thank you for all the excellent Covid set ups that you had put in place.
Do keep up to date with national events on The Scouts website here.
Training Updates
All Group and District Executive members now need to undertake the following training as the old executive training module 1EX has been discontinued. The training can be undertaken online and the relevant certificates can be printed off and forwarded to the Group Scout Leader, Training Adviser or Local Training Manager to be updated on Compass.
· Essential Information (Module 1)
· Safety
The links above will take you directly to the training pages
All volunteers in Scouting now need to undertake the Safety and the Safeguarding training every 3 years as opposed to the previous 5 year timescale. Both the safety and safeguarding are only now provided as online training.
Guidance for Autumn Events
Headquarters have issued some clear guidelines and advice for groups considering events this Autumn particularly Remembrance, Firework Night, District Events, and Singing. You can read this guidance here.
Race Round the World
Race Round the World is a virtual challenge to raise funds for the 500 + groups hardest hit by Covid 19. There are sessions for all sections. Read about this here.
Building Safety Management
Whilst everyone is focusing on keeping scouting Covid Safe as we return to face to face scouting, it’s really important that we do not forget our other health and safety responsibilities.
Normally the executive committee as trustees are obliged to ensure that amongst other things a fire risk assessment and asbestos management plan is in place. Scouting updated its guidance on managing these and other hazards such as legionella over the summer of 2020 and introducing new factsheets on building work and construction.
At County we have a relationship with individuals and organisations that can help draw up asbestos management surveys, fire risk assessments and help with planning building work safely.
For further advice or guidance please do read the guidance on the scout website or contact Gary Burden, County Safety Coordinator, email: gary.burden@suffolkscouts.org.uk
The BBC is running a Young Reporter Competition to encourage young people to get out and share stories and news about events. You can find out more here.
Do please take the time to keep in touch with your volunteer colleagues. Just think about picking up the phone for a quick chat. These are challenging times for the Scouting family, supporting each other is important.
Best wishes
Mark Pearson