Dear Parents,
Christmas post run from 25th November with last posting date of 9th December and sorting etc. until 11th December. This then gives us 11 day to deliver the card NO LATER THAN 22nd December 2015.
It was agreed by the Group Executive Committee that every Family in the group WILL be responsible to sort and deliver the cards that come to us to be sorted and delivered.
There will be 2 lists in the foyer from Monday 16th November.
One will be to help with sorting and one to choose the roads you wish to deliver. This gives you the chance to choose when to sort and where to deliver.
Organisers of the post will contact parents if they have not come forward to offer help, they be will be given an evening to help sort and roads to deliver. It was felt that this was the fairest way to insure that everyone in the group helps.
Profit raised from the 2014 post was approximately £2900.
Christmas post is our major fund raiser and is part of the group’s terms and conditions of your child being part of the 18th Ipswich.
We are all busy at this time of the year!
Every family is needed for Christmas post, with everyone helping, it will be done far quicker, and it will be less stressful for the people coordinating the post.
GSL. 18th Ipswich scout group