18th Ipswich Scout Group
Annual General Meeting & BBQ
SUNDAY 26th JUNE 11am – 4pm

This year’s AGM will be held at the Groups HQ at 11am. After the AGM, our annual BBQ will be in the rear garden of the Margaret Catchpole. Hopefully, the weather will be kind to us!

The AGM will be relatively short. Please support the group and its leaders by attending the AGM. Parents are welcome to come forward with suggestions or ideas that could be looked at to improve what we do.

Due to members stepping down this year we need to recruit to the group executive committee to assist with the running of the group, the committee meets around 4 times a year plus fundraising activity, we are also looking for new Cub and Beaver section leaders, if you think you or somebody you know could help us please do let me know as soon as possible as without sufficient leaders and committee the future of the group is uncertain.

We have decided again not to charge for the BBQ but would ask all families attending to provide salads and dessert to share. The group will supply paper plates and cutlery, but if you wish to bring your own, please do so.

We shall have a draw and I politely ask for a small draw prize from each family for the draw.

The bar will be open all afternoon for you to buy whatever drinks you require. If you are attending and you are a vegetarian or have any special dietary needs, please let us know.

This event is for all the family to attend. Please note: Leaders are not responsible for your children at this event.

So that we know how to cater, please could you return the form below ASAP either to your section leaders, or to me by email, prior to the barbecue and indicate a meat or vegetarian choice.

I apologise for the late notice of this event, and we look forward to seeing you on the day.

Denise Bloomfield