The East of England scouting team from across Bedfordshire, Essex and Suffolk along with other superb volunteers, has created a Summer Challenge to bring daily amazing activities and challenges for young people over the summer holiday period… and you don’t have to be in scouting to take part…. just join in the fun.

You can find out more by clicking on the logo (left) which takes you to the Facebook page where there is more information and some feedback from those who have already taken part in the activities that started on Monday (17th).

The young people from these counties can sign up (requires parent/guardian approval) using the link below. 

 Registration Form for Beavers, Cubs & Scouts 

Other forms for scouting members not in these counties and also non-scouting members are available also via the Facebook page.(click on logo)

One of the team gave an interview on BBC Radio Suffolk (19th August) to explain a little more about what’s happening and how it started up. You can catch it via the following link –  where it is 20:30 into the programme.

There’s a FREE competition to win a prize if you register for the east of England summer challenge by Friday 28th August – Facebook – Competition Link