Thank you, to all of you have given up, their time, to collect and sort post.
We are now at the final stage! Delivering!! All roads that you have opted to deliver will be ready from 8pm Friday 10th Dec evening from the Scout Hut.
I am prepared to be at the HQ until 9.30pm to allow for pick-ups from parents. If you are unable to pick up your cards, perhaps a friend could pick-up on your behalf when collecting theirs.
- Please come and collect your round and bring along a plastic bag to carry them home in
- Please wear a face covering when indoors at HQ
- We ask that you take a Lateral flow test before you attend. The buildings will be well ventilated.
- Please follow the Government guidelines regarding COVID-19
This enables you this weekend to deliver! All post needs to be delivered by 22nd December please.
My thanks to you all once again
Denise Bloomfield